Sunday, November 3, 2013


Day 2/365 

I'm always intrigued how some people can take ordinary objects and make them look  extraordinary.
Something I would like to work on.  

Saturday, November 2, 2013

I was hoping to start this 365 yesterday, but setting up this blog zapped all my free time. Still have many things to figure out, like how to fix the "about me" so it doesn't look like a long honey-do list. Add a button, that could take a few years!

Meet my dog Stubs. He has no tail, hes just as discombobulated as I am. He loves to play fetch, but only with water bottles. We rescued him about five years ago. He had been severely abused.
You'd  never know it now. Hes as happy as can be, and I just love him to pieces!